DNSCrypt dan NCSI

Penggunaan dnscrypt (local dns server) akan menyebabkan ncsi gagal mendeteksi status koneksi internet.

Penyebabnya kenapa tidak tahu, tapi menurut isi blog ini https://directaccess.richardhicks.com/2019/04/17/always-on-vpn-updates-to-improve-connection-reliability/ solusinya adalah dengan memaksa windows menggunakan global dns server ketika meresolve ncsi

Microsoft released a fix for this issue in Windows 10 1709. The fix involves changing a group policy setting to disable interface binding when perform DNS lookups by the NCSI. You can enable this setting via Active Directory group policy by navigating to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > Network Connectivity Status Indicator > Specify global DNS. Select Enabledand check the option to Use global DNS, as shown here.

DNSCrypt dan NCSI

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